Thursday, June 14, 2012

Historical Influences on Darwin

Who Influenced Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection The Most???

From the 5 individuals listed that helped influence Darwin's theory of natural selection, I believe that Alfred Russel Wallace had the most influence. Wallace's discoveries of biological natural selection closed the open gaps in Darwin's research. He suggested that natural selection "selected" the dominant traits and "discarded" the weaker traits of organisms. This happened so that organisms can better adapt to their environment. Wallace came up with the theory that species came from other species and the change in facial structure or body parts is an effect of natural selection and evolution. Darwin and Wallace had very similar theories but Wallace's findings helped Darwin explain how it is possible

The point that is most influenced by Alfred Wallace is the point that states "if the environment changes, the traits that are helpful or adaptive to that environment will be different." This point suggests that the "environment" selects what traits will be affective, natural selection. Wallace's discoveries were based solely on the process of natural selection. It is all about what will be the most successful traits to obtain in a population. So this point is definitely influenced heavily by Wallace and his ideas.

Because of Wallace's theory, Darwin was able to come to his conclusions about natural selection. It probably would have taken a long time for Darwin to understand truly how natural selection actually worked in nature. He had all of the correct assumptions, but without Wallace's idea of species evolving from other species, Darwin probably would not have figured out how variations in different species really occurred as fast as he did. Wallace's idea was the key point in explaning how natural selection is possible. So basically, without Wallace's ideas we would probably have had different understandings of natural selection and evolution for a longer period. Someone would have figured it out eventually, but it was a key point in Darwin's theory of natural selection.

Coming out with an alternative explanation for how we began to exist was a very controversial matter. The church obviously rejected any explanation other than being created by God. Because of the church's rejection to the theory of evolution, Darwin hesitated to publish any works on his discoveries and theories. He waited so long to publish anything because he knew that the church would convict him and see it as a threat. He only published his findings as soon as he did because he did not Wallace to recieve the credit for developing the theory of natural selection.


  1. I agree with you on why it took Darwin so long to publish any work and he obviously had to publish before Wallace took all the credit. Although, I think that Darwin and Wallace were at the same pace so to say about natural selection and if anything it was Wallace who was influenced by Darwin.

  2. Stephanie, I almost chose Wallace for my write up until I read more about him. He seemed to be pretty much inline with Darwin's thoughts but was not quite on Darwin's level. I agree with the poster above, Wallace seemed to be the once who was influenced by Darwin.

  3. My last post to grade and FINALLY someone chooses Wallace! :-)

    Wallace is difficult for this assignment as he didn't really influence Darwin's work as it was being produced. By the time Wallace sent his manuscript to Darwin, The Origin had been nearly completed for years. The main contribution Wallace made was providing the impetus to Darwin to finally publish his work, though now he had to share the presentation of the idea with Wallace. Without Wallace, Darwin may never have published.

    Good discussion on the influence of the church.

    Thank you for choosing Wallace!
